Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have mutual feelings for Power Rangers Season 18

Okay, lately I've been having mutual feelings for Season 18 of Power Rangers. Like, I'm excited that the show is returning, but I have a bad feeling that it's just gonna be a carbon copied version of Shinkenger. The reason why I think that, is because Jonathan Tzachor is returing as Executive Producer.

Some people don't know this, so I'm just gonna come out with it. I strongly dislike Jonathan Tzachor very much. He just irks me, the way he used to handle Power Rangers. He's like the Bruce Kalish of the Saban Era, always liked to borrow concepts from the Sentai counterpart, too lazy to come up with something better. I mean, seasons like Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed and Time are good as they are, but they had much more potential and could have been improved and perhaps even be better than their Sentai counterpart. And there was even so much drama behind the scenes with him and Chip. I hope he's learned from his mistakes (that's right Wild Force, I'm looking at you).

There are certain things I would kill to to see in this season. I'll be happy with whatever we got either way.
  • A more original and interesting story
  • 'Fight' songs (i.e. We Need A Hero)
  • Teens as Rangers
  • Strong character development
  • A Power Ranger exclusive villain and -possibly- side characters like Bulk and Skull
  • No references to older seasons (in other words, this season in it's own universe)

On the other hand, I'm totally psyched that we're getting a new season! I haven't been this excited for Power Rangers ever! Just seeing Power Rangers return makes a part of my childhood return, even though it never really left. Anyone else psyched as much as I am? XD

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